"Don't Let Your Passion Die As A Quotation"

Book Count: 20

Growing Up Bin Laden
You must come to a conclusion only after thorough knowledge on the subject without any preconceived notions based on what the world thinks. No one is born as a terrorist. "Najwa(Laden's wife)saw only the man, while the West saw only the terrorist".
Our Moon has Blood Clots
Time can heal wounds but cannot make us forget the cause behind those wounds. Horrific incidents of how people of our own country were made to live in refugee camps. "Khud se kahi Jo kahi , kahi kisi se bhi nahi"
Sapiens: A brief history of Humankind
The word 'history' in itself is boring but the author manages to explain such an important topic in a quite lucid manner. The book has it all. One of those books which is superbly written and mind altering.
The God Delusion
Of all the books I have read, this was the most challenging and difficult to grasp. When every good or bad in this world is attributed to god, a question on his existence is never easy to read. As MM says - It was a mindf*ck.
Shoe Dog: A memoir by the creator of NIKE
If things don't work out, it's okay or even admirable to give them up, because giving up doesn't mean stopping. Phil's journey from Blue Ribbon to Nike surely teaches one a lot of things that eventually matter.
India's China Challenge
Reading this will make you realise the level of penetration Chinese firms have done in our country. Projects like Make in India are just a beginning, we need much bigger than that to be self reliant.
The Psychology of Money
No wonder the twitter world was all crazy about this book.... Such is the impact that Morgan Housel creates with this exceptional piece. The focus should be on making good decisions most of the times and not the best decision a few times.
The Almanac of Naval Ravikant
The smartest person I came across this year. All his thoughts on crypto, compounding, specific knowledge, money, wealth are worth reading. Definitely has a reread value! A Magnum Opus in real sense. He's a MASTERPIECE in himself!!
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind
The key takeaway from the book is to live life according to your own terms. Don't follow the brules blindly but follow what's appropriate to you.
This felt more like a reality than a fictional story. The plot is similar to what is a possibility might have happened in 2020. I am not here for the spoilers ... Read and find it yourself!
Da Vinci Code
Although it's fiction but it brings up a lot of important questions about the Christian Church and their practices. The book is known for its controversies and it's always fun to be a part of the controversy:)
Where did we come from? Where are we going? These are the two questions which have stuck to mankind forever. "Nothing is invented, for it is written in nature first. Originally consists of returning to the origin."
Deception Point
Narration so strong that the story keeps you on your toes. A political thriller and you know how interesting a political thriller can be when it comes from Dan Brown.
The Long Partition and the making of Modern South Asia
Takes you deep down the memory lane, meticulously researched with first hand accounts of partition survivors tragic insight on the effect of partition on Muslims in India and Hindus in Pakistan.people.
Black Swan
For any event to be a Black swan, it is not necessary that it should be rare. But it's impact should be unexpected. A Black Swan can be turned into a gray swan by reducing its effect. NNT is one of the smartest, straightforward person you will come across. He is a no nonsense man and is known for his blunt replies and writings.
Let's Talk Money
One of the best books on Money you will ever read. This Book is for everyone, a student or a professional. It is more of a guide on how to do a financial planning for your Life. A MUST READ!
Man's Search For Meaning
This is a book by Dr. Viktor Frankl, narrating his horrific experiences of struggle and survival in the Nazi concentration camps. The book is not about "How?" But rather "Why?". The sudden loss of hope can have a deadly effect. Hope is a good things, maybe the best of things. And no good thing should ever die.
Before the prospect of an intelligent explosion, we humans are like small children playing with bombs. Such is the mismatch between the power of our plaything and the immaturity of our conduct. Superintelligence is an idea for which we are not prepared and will not be ready. For a child with an undetonated bomb a simple idea would be to put it down gently and get out of the room. however what we have is not one single child but many, each with access to many trigger mechanisms. Some idiot is likely to press the ignite button only to see what happens. Intelligent explosion might be decades away but is only seconds away to make us extinct, we need to bring all our human resourcefulness to bear on it's solution.
The Checklist Manifesto
The most important thing in a human relationship is communication, but people don't talk anymore. They read books, listen to podcasts, learn from youtube and gain knowledge, but they almost never talk. Let's switch to a disciplined way - THE CHECKLIST WAY
The Uninhabitable Earth
Climate change is a topic that we know about but is never in the mainstream discussion and no serious steps have been taken by any government across the globe. With our emission rate, humans are on the verge of extinction. The countries must come together to fight, which though now seems inevitable, the changing climate before our homes become weapons, roads become death traps and air becomes poison. Or as they say - "The Earth will survive, but humans will extinct"!